Dear investors,
I have been extremely busy closing till the end of year, also in Dec there will be a annual report, thus i think i will skip this month's details fund report. (i might write something regarding to the current investment strategy in next week, only if I have time)
the fund price for Nov is $1.1899 (+2.38%)
the market seems to show a "small bull", thus everything kind of going up, today I have met a friend back from UK, he put $100 here last Nov, now have become $116.7, so the growth in the past 1 year is roughly 16.7%.
i will soon open a new investment catalog, named: business venture, basically support various business around me at very early stage, the funding will be backed up majority by my insurance business, ultimately you will see this fund become the "father" of many new business and great brands.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)
"p.s. the private fund "Morpheus Fund" have achieved quite excellently since Aug, the fund manager do have a small msg.
Manchester city manager Mancini said: to get approval from fans, there's only one way- "Win, win, win, win, win, win, win"
很慶幸暫時做到了,當然希望愈持久愈好。但亦要提醒自己及大家 - 幸福不是必然的。如果有一個月份失利來臨,要保持積極心態, 調整策略。同時請大家多多包容:至少記起這個失利的月份來臨前, 大家得到了多少。
Morpheus Fund performance
2012 actual return: initial $50,000
08 +3.0% $51,500
09 +1.2% $52,118
10 +6.2% $55,349.32
11 +7.6% $59,556.51"
I have been extremely busy closing till the end of year, also in Dec there will be a annual report, thus i think i will skip this month's details fund report. (i might write something regarding to the current investment strategy in next week, only if I have time)
the fund price for Nov is $1.1899 (+2.38%)
the market seems to show a "small bull", thus everything kind of going up, today I have met a friend back from UK, he put $100 here last Nov, now have become $116.7, so the growth in the past 1 year is roughly 16.7%.
i will soon open a new investment catalog, named: business venture, basically support various business around me at very early stage, the funding will be backed up majority by my insurance business, ultimately you will see this fund become the "father" of many new business and great brands.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)
"p.s. the private fund "Morpheus Fund" have achieved quite excellently since Aug, the fund manager do have a small msg.
Manchester city manager Mancini said: to get approval from fans, there's only one way- "Win, win, win, win, win, win, win"
很慶幸暫時做到了,當然希望愈持久愈好。但亦要提醒自己及大家 - 幸福不是必然的。如果有一個月份失利來臨,要保持積極心態,
Morpheus Fund performance
2012 actual return: initial $50,000
08 +3.0% $51,500
09 +1.2% $52,118
10 +6.2% $55,349.32
11 +7.6% $59,556.51"