2013年2月2日 星期六


Too busy this month, so I will only state few important things

Fund price of this month 本月基金價格: 
HK$1.3007 (+3.97%)

Fund size: HK$922,644.72
No. of investors: 98

New Supporting Business: 

A. Cittababy 寶寶之城: www.facebook.com/cittababy, www.cittababy.com

it is a family business run by my cousin, if you want to buy babywear that is direct import from USA, check our website out and you will have a 10% discount.

B. 小倆口 S-Yoco: http://www.facebook.com/pages/%E5%B0%8F%E5%80%86%E5%8F%A3-S-Yoco/519120701442921, www.s-yoco.com

the only Taiwanese burger shop in HK, start running by one of my primary schoolmate in Feb, 2013.

Address is 96, Electric Raod @ Ching Fung Street, Tin Hau (香港天后電氣道96號@清風街地舖), come for a burger if you are around.

Both business are currently support by this fund, me act as business consultant and handle their insurance for both business.