2017年12月20日 星期三

MECHCalvin Fund Report Nov, 2017 – 泡沫和狂熱 Bubble and Mania




截至目前,騰訊股價已經升了近一倍,在我寫這篇報告時,騰訊股價已經從$190漲到了$400左右。另外雖然比特幣是一個高度投機性的泡沫,從年頭到現在已經差不多漲了二十倍,價格由1000美元左右差點升到20000美元,但如果我們把時間延伸到比特幣被發明的2009年時,當時每個比特幣的價格只有0.003美元左右,意味著它已經升了660萬倍!這個層次在金融史上從來沒有發生過,在前互聯網時代也是絕對不可能的,當我們談到資產泡沫時,例如1637年的鬱金香狂熱之類是數十倍的升幅。世界無法想像的東西可以漲100倍,更何況600萬倍!許多重份量的投資大師已經多次警告,比特幣就像任何泡沫最終一樣會回歸到它所屬的地方 – 接近零。

無論如何,我對你們有一個好消息,一個壞消息,我會從好消息開始,其實幾年前我用基金的錢買了騰訊和比特幣,而壞消息是 - 買了他們不久之後就賣掉了...








Dear Investors,

Season's Greetings, it is near the end of 2017, 2017 was a mess for me learning to be a father, I haven’t got time to calculate the latest fund price yet, but I will write an annual report to sum up everything after the new year.

However I still have something to “confess” today, in 2017 two names are overly mention in investment world, they are tencent and bitcoin.

Tencent is overvalued stock has almost doubled year to date, it’s stock price has risen from $190 to around $400 as we speak. While bitcoin is a highly speculative bubble that has almost twenty folded year to date, from around $1000 to just below $20000, but if we extend the timespan back to 2009 when it was first invented, it was only around $0.003 per bitcoin, meaning its price has increased 6.6 million times! This never happens in the history of finance and definitely not possible in pre-internet age, when we speak of an asset bubble, we are talking about ten folded in couple years such as the tulip mania back in 1637. The world could not imagine something can rise 100 times, let alone 6 million times! Many respectful investors have warned multiple times that bitcoin was like any bubble it will go back to where it belongs – close to zero.

Anyway, I have one good news and one bad news for you guys, I will start with good news, I have bought both tencent and bitcoin with the fund money couple years ago, and the bad news is – I have sold them not long after I bought them...

Bitcoin was a bit forgivable because I knew it is a bubble from day one, back in Nov, 2013, I have “invested” (more like speculate) USD500 into cryptocurrency, at first I didn’t buy bitcoin, I have bought another popular cryptocurrency at that time called litecoin, those who believe in cryptocurrency said bitcoin is like gold while litecoin is like silver, at that time bitcoin is around USD$100 and I thought the price is too high for my little speculative money. I have invested around 200 litecoins (around $2 each). Back in 2013, bitcoin experienced its first mania, bitcoin price increased from $80 to over $1000, hopping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon, my litecoins also quickly jumped from $2 to $55 in less than 10 days, I didn’t know how long I need to wait so I didn’t sell it, one day after I woke up, the bubble burst, the bitcoin price crashed and everyone just dumping their coins, bitcoin price dropped 90% within a month and my litecoin follow the free falling, luckily I managed to exit around $11 and made 5 times profit. After the roller coaster I have lost interested due to its extreme volatile nature, I switched to bitcoin when it was around $120 then sold them all, and I suspect the mania is over. I was so wrong, if I have kept them, the USD 500 would have become USD 80000 today.

I said it was forgivable because I didn’t play the music chair game, I could not value bitcoin, I could not predict its price and moreover, it all felt like winning a lottery rather than making an investment after some risk calculation. Well, there are a lot of technical and economic theories regarding to cryptocurrency I have studied to make such conclusion (I never make a decision based on my feelings), the block chain technology is going to change the world regardless of the craziness of its price, however I don’t want to bored you to death so I just told you the story. It would have been nice to added so much more money into the fund however it was a dangerous game to play, so that’s that…

Tencent was a bit unforgivable, I bought some of their stock back in Sept, 2014 around $125 per shares, but later I sold them because I felt it was overvalued, even today Tencent’s total market capital is almost same as facebook, its earning is only half of facebook, but at least it is a company I can spend time to do some valuation, yet I didn’t. Again if I didn’t sell it, it will have a pretty nice profit today.

As Isaac Newton once said, “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” If something is hot on the market, it tends to go hotter and hotter until it reached a ridiculous point. We might have missed some opportunity, but my “play safe” strategy has avoided many losses and I will explain more in the future.

Anyway, neglect what I have “missed”, the fund is not doing bad at all, the fund and stocks I hold perform quite well along with the HK market, but I have a feeling it has already reached $2 per unit due to the HK market’s performance, don’t take my word for it yet until I finish all the boring math during the Christmas holiday.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
