2010年3月7日 星期日

Little thank you note regarding to the second time MECHCalvin Fund Raising.

Dear Angel Investors,

I am very please second time collected total HKD 172,412, USD 10,000 and GBP 1125. It has created roughly HKD 40,000 cash flow (frankly this has also created a slightly small orgasm).

Roughly USD 28,000 is investing in mutual funds, HKD 5,000 will be used to registered a limited company within the next 3 months, i have offered all angel investors automatically become the shareholders of this company base on the % you have invested, I personally feel this is an extremely generous offer that I might regert.

Selling Insurance still my major income until it has been stablised. I favor defensive style and no high risk investment will be involved to make sure investors' money are being well used. More details will be shown in my next monthly fund report if you are interested.


