Jun Fund Price|6月基金價格: $2.0059
Jul Fund Price|7月基金價格: $2.0266*
Aug Fund Price| 8月基金價格: $1.9751*
Sep Fund Price|9月基金價格: $1.9651
Oct Fund Price|10月基金價格: $1.9169
Nov Fund Price (Latest)|11月 (最新)基金價格: $1.9429
Total Market Value/ 市場總值: $2,327,408.08
Total Units 基金單位總數: 1,197,931.6227 Units
* 上個報告7月同8月基金價格計漏左200股騰訊, 更正後價格比之前公佈既價格為高
* July and August fund price missed 200 shares tencent in the last report, the corrected price is higher than announced previously.
我不敢我們正在前往2019年(仍然沒有飛車),只想很快寫一些更新,因為我要為下個月那篇長而沉悶的的年度報告節省體力。近來市場關注的是中美之間的貿易戰,我的保險公司每天都在發送這些「市場更新」,好像他們認為我們這些經紀沒有足夠的電郵閱讀... 更不用說在電視新聞,金融facebook頁面,網站到處都是關於這些的消息...
我可以保證接下來的事情與我們所知道的無關,我只有三個形容詞來形容這些「專業信息」 - 「無用,廢話和浪費時間」(對不起,這是8個字)。巴菲特曾經說過:「預測並不反映未來, 它只能反映預測者」無論你是一個擁有200智商的超人,或一群在白宮工作,可以獲得最大的數據庫的頂級精英,預測過去沒有作用,現在沒有作用,將來也沒有作用,未來將永遠讓我們感到驚訝。
I cannot believe we are heading to 2019 (still no flying cars), just give you guys some quick update because I am saving my energy for my long boring annual report next month. The market is focusing on the trade war between US and China recently, my insurance company keep sending these “market updates” every single day, it is almost like they feel agents have not enough emails to read… not to mention they are all over the TV news, financial facebook pages, websites…
I can guarantee what come next has nothing to do this what we know, I have 3 words to describe these “professional information” – “useless, bullshit and waste of time” (sorry that’s 6 words). Warren Buffett once had a saying: “Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.” It doesn’t matter whether you are a superhuman with 200 IQ, or a group of top elite working in the white house have access to the deepest database, prediction did not the work, do not work, will not work and the future will always surprise us.
At the prime of the Roman Empire, Caesar is surrounded by the best magician and fortune tellers, yet no one saw the greatest threat is the Hun from the east. Do you think we are different now after couple hundreds of years?
As an investor, we do not need to know the future, we just need to know the market cannot be up forever without any crash, the only thing we need to do is to prepare and feel safe about it.