2013年5月2日 星期四

MECHCalvin Fund Report April, 2013 - Freemium is the future

Fund price of this month 本月基金價格: 

$1.3204 +0.0082 (+0.625%)

Dear Investors,

This month i have spent 2 weeks in USA, to visit a friend's wedding, also get some sightseeing done, as well as opened a bank account (apparently HSBC is a very small bank in USA). I have been to San Fransisco and L.A., when i was walking toward the Fisherman's Wharf, I saw this beautiful cruise ship "Sapphire Princess" (the twin sister ship of Diamond Princess.)

She is one of the world's largest cruise ships, with a capacity of approximately 2,670 passengers.so i thought, one day this fund will grow so big, e.g. own a cruise company, i can bring you guys for a cruise tour (unless you don't like sea too much, haha)

since during this trip, my investors no. have reached 100! i am thinking the future of this fund.

there is a new business model called Freemium i am going to use, The word "freemium" is a portmanteau neologism combining the two aspects of the business model: "free" and "premium". which means the service is offered free, but if you want to have extra service, you need to become a membership that require investors to pay.

the way it works is this fund will own a lot of different companies, a normal investors do not need to be charged heavy management fee, but if you want some extra, e.g. discount from the shops and the companies MECHCalvin fund are currently invested, investors will need to pay a membership fee, then you will be given a card, this will encourage investors to spend in the shop they invested in, the profit will help the performance of this fund, eventually benefit the investors themselves, if some investors do not wish to pay, they surely still able to enjoy the growth of this fund, rather than let heavy management fee take away their return, it is a win-win.

at the moment there ain't a lot of business this fund is involving, but as time goes by, you will see more and more business will work with me, mainly my insurance clients, then the membership will become more attractive. And of course for you guys, as the first 100 investors, you will be given the memberships for free, as a thank you of trust at early stage :)

anyway, thanks to the dividend and interest pay, also the strong Manulife Asian Small Cap Fund, even the gold, stocks and currencies drop slightly, this month the fund still remain a positive gain, to $1.3204 per unit. It have also clearly show to overrun the market index.

Green line is MECHCalvin Fund, Black line is Hang Seng Index

Anyway, couple more pictures then I am out.


postcard like cable cars

cycling next to the Golden Gate Bridge

Me at Golden Gate Bridge

Me at Apple Inc. headquarter with Steve Job's biography

Now and Then from my last visit to San Francisco back in 1995 (when i was 13)

2013年4月2日 星期二

2013年03月基金報告: Swim Against the Tide!

Fund price of this month 本月基金價格: 

$1.3122 +0.0082 (+0.629%)

Dear Investors,

the market have dropped -3.23% while my fund claw up 0.629%, it is extremely difficult to against the tide, but i think sometimes with a bit of "luck" and rightly place asset allocation, it is still achievable, the stocks, private fund drop along with the market, however the Manulife Asian small cap mutual fund showed no fear and increased a massive 2.49% this month, yet it alone is still not enough to win the battle.

it comes down to

1. the 8% interest being paid this month from the loan,

2. the defensive nature of the gold investment

3. Japanese Yen I brought is appreciating, period, and

4. investor's new subscription

have combined and save the day

I hope i can gather a group of intelligent investors here, that understand the game behind, also have the guts to establish a long term investment, like my preference of job, relationship, friendship and many things in life, i always target to build up something long term.

Happy Easter and thanks!


Asset Allocation

% Current Value
Cash 7.43% $69,373.00
Loan 39.63% $370,000.00
Business 1.37% $12,829.00
Gold 3.53% $32,956.00
Mutual Fund 19.16% $178,905.30
Private Fund 6.13% $57,184.56
Stock 22.74% $212,280.00
Total 100.00% $933,527.86

Morpheus Fund (original installment $50,000)
01 -1.9% $61,346.29
02 -4.0% $58,892.44
03 -2.9% $57,184.56

2013年3月2日 星期六


Fund price of this month 本月基金價格: 
HK$1.3036 (+0.29%)
Fund size: HK$924,680.33
No. of investors: 98
Still too busy to write a monthly report, since the fund have been run for couple years and pretty much on track, so I have decided i will get out details quarterly instead of monthly to save time.

i have purchase gold again due to the gold price drop, gold and properties (land) are the only two things that can preserve value in long run. Gold as the ultimate currency and properties (land) is the ultimate asset.

that's why in the biblical history, when God favor a person, He never promise to give him money, cows, sheep, but lands - promise land! or in the old days even nowadays, people call those who own land - landlord!

although in the past history, the appreciation of stocks or business venture always outrun gold and properties, yet its risky nature make many investors tend to feel safer investing in gold and properties. Anyway, here are few figures.

Investors count: 98
Fund size: 924,680.33
Latest unit price: $1.3036 (+0.29%)

Asset allocation:
Cash (all currencies): 6.48%
Loan: 40.01%
Business Venture: 1.28%
Gold: 3.58%
Manulife Mutual Fund: 18.87%
Morpheus Fund: 6.37%
Stocks: 23.41%
Total: 100%

The market is adjusting, so I will go defensive mode.

Morpheus Fund 2013 (initial capital $50,000 since Aug, 2012):
01 -1.9% $61,346.29
02 -4.0% $58,892.44
Comment: 較為不順的一月,往後會保守一點,宜至情況改善。

2013年2月2日 星期六


Too busy this month, so I will only state few important things

Fund price of this month 本月基金價格: 
HK$1.3007 (+3.97%)

Fund size: HK$922,644.72
No. of investors: 98

New Supporting Business: 

A. Cittababy 寶寶之城: www.facebook.com/cittababy, www.cittababy.com

it is a family business run by my cousin, if you want to buy babywear that is direct import from USA, check our website out and you will have a 10% discount.

B. 小倆口 S-Yoco: http://www.facebook.com/pages/%E5%B0%8F%E5%80%86%E5%8F%A3-S-Yoco/519120701442921, www.s-yoco.com

the only Taiwanese burger shop in HK, start running by one of my primary schoolmate in Feb, 2013.

Address is 96, Electric Raod @ Ching Fung Street, Tin Hau (香港天后電氣道96號@清風街地舖), come for a burger if you are around.

Both business are currently support by this fund, me act as business consultant and handle their insurance for both business.


2013年1月9日 星期三

2012年12月基金報告: 以一個馬鼻跑贏

Fund Price of This Month 本月基金價格
 HK$ 1.2654 

Basic Information 基本資料

Launch Date 發行日期
Launch Price 發行價值
Currency 貨幣
HKD 港元
Investment Management Fee 投資管理費
Market Value 市值
HKD 882,782.83  港元
NAV per unit 單位資產淨值

Calendar Year Performance 年度表現


HS Index

Cumulative Performance 累積表現

1 yr
3 yrs
Since Launch
HS Index
Manager's Comment 投資經理簡報

重要的會在2012年報說, 簡單本月總結2012年十分不錯, 但也只是跑贏大市一個馬鼻。受惠美國QE3,全球股市上升,本基金的股票,基金及私募基金上升至15%-38%不等。帶動本基金在2012年上升24.53%。


*莫菲斯基金簡報by Kkman

Keeps moving strong, end 2012 with a high note. Let's be ready for 2013!

2013年1月2日 星期三

Top 10 Contribution Distributed by Groups

As of 31/12/2012,

Doing some statistic work, the top 10 contribution amount (equivalent to HKD) distribution by groups are:
1. Family (68.51% from 14 people)

2. UK Friends (17.45% from 3 people)

3. UK Caterham secondary schoolmates (5.377% from 8 people)

4. University of Bath schoolmates (5.177% from 19 people)

5. Church (2.09% from 6 people)

6. Manulife Colleagues (0.659% from 30 people)

7. HK Friends (0.456% from 11 people)

8. China Friend (0.174% from 3 people)

9. Primary schoolmates (0.014% from 1 people)

10. HK CWGC secondary schoolmates (0.003% from 3 people)

Total Investment Amount ~ HKD 710K

*exchange rate to HKD as of 31/12/2012
GBP 12.5240
USD 7.7514
CNY 1.2429

2013年1月1日 星期二

MECHCalvin Fund 2012 Summary - The World Has Not Ended

Dear Investors,

Happy new year to you, 2012 have been a fantastic year for me, but fantastic doesn't mean everything is beautiful and pretty. Here is a bit of quick summary before the annual report is ready.

The world has not ended in 2012, obviously, and the world continue according to her course of history. In the past, there were always different kind of "end of the world" and lurk people into fear, it could be a mega volcano, alien invasion, millennium bug, collapsing of the global financial system, terrorism, etcetc. yet the world turning still under the grace of God, and will remain turning within His time. Many companies survive through time, e.g. Manulife (insurance company) have reached her 125 years, Citibank 200 years (almost as long as the American history), some Japanese companies have last over 1000 years!

This make me think of the ultimate question: what make something last? how i can make sure my fund will sustain and continue her contribution to this world until the end? even long after i am dead?

My fund are unique and separated from other funds in this world mainly base on 3 factors,
- accept minimum investment as little as HKD $1
- free of charge
- no limitation of investment type as long as its legal.
They brought 3 questions will forever evolve in my head

1. how to make good use of a single dollar: many people including some of you here did ask, what can $1 do? it is too little! contrast to popular believe, successful people pay attention to fine details, and rich people pay attention to small money, in my investment career, i will be forever searching any chance of using $1 to buy something worth $2 or more, and i would like to use this fund to prove $1 do matters in fiance, so does other little things does matter in this world, this is the foundation of MECHCalvin Fund.

2. how to offer extremely low cost (even free) service to public with extremely high return: i am not a big fan of taking profit from other people, however i do not feel making profit is an evil act as long as it is done fairly. This is my personal preference because I am always fascinated by stories that some individual can cause huge influence to this world with extremely low or even none resources to begin with, to achieve such status of impact will always be my dream.

3. how to set people free from narrow mind and limitation: creativity probably is the greatest gift of men, however 9 out of 10 people i have met choose to limit themselves, sometimes by environment, sometimes by various factors, but most of the time by themselves. Every fund have a field they want to expertise in, and to me i would like to see variety in my fund, explore 1 million way to make money is always make me happier than making 1 million dollars with a single way.

In 2012, my fund have growth from 390k to 880k, it is like seeing a baby gain her weight in such a short time, it did give me a bit of joy, although she is still very weak, the potential of her future always excited me.

Last but not least, in the upcoming annual report i will disclose my ultimate objective of this fund, for those who knows me, I am not a money lover, money is merely a tool for me to do what I want, how to use money is always more important than how to make money to me. But as investors like yourself, you will get a piece of what i am doing, and you can choose how you want to do with your money, e.g. enjoy life, spend in something you want, charity, science research, keep it, start your own business..

So please bear with me, I will get back to you soon with something interesting

best regards,