2013年1月1日 星期二

MECHCalvin Fund 2012 Summary - The World Has Not Ended

Dear Investors,

Happy new year to you, 2012 have been a fantastic year for me, but fantastic doesn't mean everything is beautiful and pretty. Here is a bit of quick summary before the annual report is ready.

The world has not ended in 2012, obviously, and the world continue according to her course of history. In the past, there were always different kind of "end of the world" and lurk people into fear, it could be a mega volcano, alien invasion, millennium bug, collapsing of the global financial system, terrorism, etcetc. yet the world turning still under the grace of God, and will remain turning within His time. Many companies survive through time, e.g. Manulife (insurance company) have reached her 125 years, Citibank 200 years (almost as long as the American history), some Japanese companies have last over 1000 years!

This make me think of the ultimate question: what make something last? how i can make sure my fund will sustain and continue her contribution to this world until the end? even long after i am dead?

My fund are unique and separated from other funds in this world mainly base on 3 factors,
- accept minimum investment as little as HKD $1
- free of charge
- no limitation of investment type as long as its legal.
They brought 3 questions will forever evolve in my head

1. how to make good use of a single dollar: many people including some of you here did ask, what can $1 do? it is too little! contrast to popular believe, successful people pay attention to fine details, and rich people pay attention to small money, in my investment career, i will be forever searching any chance of using $1 to buy something worth $2 or more, and i would like to use this fund to prove $1 do matters in fiance, so does other little things does matter in this world, this is the foundation of MECHCalvin Fund.

2. how to offer extremely low cost (even free) service to public with extremely high return: i am not a big fan of taking profit from other people, however i do not feel making profit is an evil act as long as it is done fairly. This is my personal preference because I am always fascinated by stories that some individual can cause huge influence to this world with extremely low or even none resources to begin with, to achieve such status of impact will always be my dream.

3. how to set people free from narrow mind and limitation: creativity probably is the greatest gift of men, however 9 out of 10 people i have met choose to limit themselves, sometimes by environment, sometimes by various factors, but most of the time by themselves. Every fund have a field they want to expertise in, and to me i would like to see variety in my fund, explore 1 million way to make money is always make me happier than making 1 million dollars with a single way.

In 2012, my fund have growth from 390k to 880k, it is like seeing a baby gain her weight in such a short time, it did give me a bit of joy, although she is still very weak, the potential of her future always excited me.

Last but not least, in the upcoming annual report i will disclose my ultimate objective of this fund, for those who knows me, I am not a money lover, money is merely a tool for me to do what I want, how to use money is always more important than how to make money to me. But as investors like yourself, you will get a piece of what i am doing, and you can choose how you want to do with your money, e.g. enjoy life, spend in something you want, charity, science research, keep it, start your own business..

So please bear with me, I will get back to you soon with something interesting

best regards,

2012年12月7日 星期五

2012年11月基金報告: Skipped

Dear investors,
I have been extremely busy closing till the end of year, also in Dec there will be a annual report, thus i think i will skip this month's details fund report. (i might write something regarding to the current investment strategy in next week, only if I have time)

the fund price for Nov is $1.1899 (+2.38%)

the market seems to show a "small bull", thus everything kind of going up, today I have met a friend back from UK, he put $100 here last Nov, now have become $116.7, so the growth in the past 1 year is roughly 16.7%.

i will soon open a new investment catalog, named: business venture, basically support various business around me at very early stage, the funding will be backed up majority by my insurance business, ultimately you will see this fund become the "father" of many new business and great brands.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)


"p.s. the private fund "Morpheus Fund" have achieved quite excellently since Aug, the fund manager do have a small msg.

Manchester city manager Mancini said: to get approval from fans, there's only one way- "Win, win, win, win, win, win, win"

很慶幸暫時做到了,當然希望愈持久愈好。但亦要提醒自己及大家 - 幸福不是必然的。如果有一個月份失利來臨,要保持積極心態,調整策略。同時請大家多多包容:至少記起這個失利的月份來臨前,大家得到了多少。



Morpheus Fund performance
2012 actual return: initial $50,000
08 +3.0% $51,500
09 +1.2% $52,118
10 +6.2% $55,349.32
11 +7.6% $59,556.51"

2012年11月3日 星期六

2012年10月基金報告: 站在世界最高點之前

Fund Price of This Month 本月基金價格: HK$ 1.1646

Basic Information 基本資料

Launch Date 發行日期
Launch Price 發行價值
Currency 貨幣
HKD 港元
Investment Management Fee 投資管理費
Market Value 市值
HKD 812,478.79  港元
NAV per unit 單位資產淨值

Investment Manager/Investment Advisor 投資管理人╱投資顧問
Tien Ho Calvin Yim 嚴天浩

Investment Objective 投資目標
麥加文基金是以價值投資為主導的基金, 目標是為投資者長遠累積財富

Calendar Year Performance 年度表現

HS Index

Cumulative Performance 累積表現

1 yr
3 yrs
Since Launch
HS Index

Cumulative Performance Since Launch 自成立日起的累積表現


Manager's Comment 投資經理簡報



題外話,今個月14日,菲利克斯·保加拿(Felix Baumgartner)成功破了超高空跳傘的世界紀錄,由紅牛能量飲料(Red Bull Energy Drink)贊助,利用一由氦氣球懸吊的太空艙將保加拿載運至海拔超過12萬英尺(36,600公尺)、已經進入同溫層的超高空,直接穿著有加壓作用的太空裝進行跳傘,並在不靠飛行器輔助的自由落體狀態下突破音障。




今個月也第一次買入*創業板的股票,中國優通(HKG: 8232)主要在中國從事提供光纖佈放服務。 集團以傳統佈放方法及微管及微纜系統集成方法為中國主要電信運營商提供服務,公司市值很小,但潛力很大。

私募基金方面,盡管是五五分帳,分帳後其表現都已有10.70%,我都是由基金經理kkman自己解說:"個人來說,暫時性的成績算是滿意的,相信你亦是這樣想。強調只是暫時性,仍然不會鬆懈,繼續審慎樂觀應對。另外,可能部分mechcalvin參與者認為我在這浪升市不算太突出,在這種合作模式之下(獲利及虧損5\5分帳),你們在大升市是不「著數」的,因為要交50%保費。那麼,你們買了「保險」,會有甚麼「保障」? 就是我「拍心口」,我們的戶口不會暴跌,而且不是「空口講白話」,而是萬一發生了此事,我要真金白銀賠50%跌幅給各位!所以,「抗跌力」,「穩中求升」才是本基金的重點。股票如人生,不可能永遠一帆風順,在風雨中的表現,才真正決定你的成就。"  **如對他的基金操作哲學有興趣了解者,可到最後一頁看下文




Remarks 註解:
香港創業板(Growth Enterprise Market,簡稱GEM)是香港交易及結算所有限公司全資附屬公司香港聯合交易所有限公司經營的一個新股票市場。


**莫菲斯基金的基金操作哲學 by Kkman 
1.          穩守突擊
2.          在平凡的時候,做出不平凡。

Defense is the key of success: Many people do show paper for their account, but turn out to sustain heavy loss at times and cannot realize their profits. While my fund stress on defense. Usually my fund would rise when the market is flat, more importantly, able to shield a big portion of market drop at bad times. The trade off, is relatively weak rise during odd months of market crazy rise. So when market rise a lot, please 多多包容 my lag behind the market. Your patience will be rewarded in multiples.